General Information

   Cane Handling

   Cane Preparation

   Milling Equipment

   Steam Plant

   Electric Plant

   Clarification and Filters



   Vacuum Pans



   Sugar/Molasses Storage




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Water TankFor fire protection, Cora Texas has a 75,000-gal. water storage tank elevated on a 75'-high steel tower; and 1,000-gpm 100-psig F-M vertical turbine fire pump driven by a GM diesel engine with Murray control panel, taking suction from a 300,000-gal. pond.

For plant air, 315-cfm and 400-cfm air compressors were added in 1998 and 1999, respectively. Instrument air is taken off the plant air after it has been cooled and filtered.




Created By Elizabeth M. Trahan, Web Designer